Is it safe to have laser with eczema
Laser Hair Removal | 4 October 2020

Is it safe to have laser if I have Eczema?

Yes, it is safe to have laser if you have eczema. However caution must be taken to avoid areas where skin may be compromised. Only areas that have normal, unaffected skin can be treated with laser. If you have been using hydrocortisone cream on a particular area and the skin has returned to normal you do need to leave some time before treating these sections of skin safely. Settings on the laser may need to be adjusted to compensate for this also. If a flare up has occurred it’s best to have the skin assessed before having more treatments. This will prevent any reactions from laser. 

Chances are if you suffer from eczema you already know the best way to look after your skin. Here are our top tips on how to reduce the likelihood of a flare up during your course of treatment. Following these will help keep your skin safe while you are having laser. 

Top tips for looking after your skin with eczema


Is is safe to have laser hair removal if I have eczema


We will only treat skin if it is safe to do so

If laser is performed when skin is broken and irritated this may damage your skin even further. It is absolutely essential that these areas are avoided during treatment to prevent this. During your session of laser we take the time to assess your skin to make sure your areas are safe to treat. We will take care to avoid any patches of skin that may be too weak for laser hair removal treatment. When we perform a laser treatment we use a combination of light and heat. It is important that the skin being treated is healthy enough to withstand this heat. If we were to laser on areas of broken skin you would experience an adverse reaction. It is safe to have laser if you have eczema but you must look after your skin throughout your course. 

What to do after your laser hair removal session if you have eczema?

If you have eczema directly after laser hair removal treatment keep the skin in the treatment area cool. Wear loose cotton clothing to allow heat to dissipate from the skin. If having treatment on the leg area avoid wearing tights or skinny jeans directly after treatment. If your skin is sensitive you may see more side effects from treatment.

The main side effects are erythema and peri follicular odema. Erythema basically means your skin will be slightly red after treatment. Peri folliular odema will means you may see slight raised bumps on the skin. These side effects last 24-48hrs after treatment. In this time it is essential that you keep your skin at a moderate to cool temperature. Aloe Vera can also be used to help soothe the skin directly after treatment. Store this in the fridge for added cooling effects. 24-48hrs after treatment we would recommending using a light moisturiser to help hydrate the skin. Child’s farm and Aveeno are good formulations to use.

These side effects mainly occur at the start of your treatment course when your hair is thick in density. When hairs are thick they absorb a lot of energy from the laser. After a few sessions hair begins to thin out and these side effects become less evident after treatment. Skin may also feel itchy after a session of laser, this is also due to heat. This is a normal reaction, simply take an antihistamine and this will help.

What happens if you get a flare up of eczema throughout your course of laser treatment?

Treatment may have to be paused if you happen to get a flare up of eczema throughout your course. This will only be needed if your treatment area is affected or you take medication. If the flare up occurs in an area where you are having treatment treatment will have to be stopped. It can only resume when the skin is healed and has gone back to normal. If the flare up is in an area where you are not having treatment you can continue. This is providing you are not taking any medications for this condition. Some medications may cause your skin to become photosensitive. Photo sensitivity means skin will be sensitive to light. As laser uses light pigmentation may occur if taking these when having laser hair removal. To have these checked contact the clinic and we can check your medications for you.

How can eczema affect your course of laser hair removal?

Having eczema can affect your course by slightly slow down your results during a course of laser hair removal. This is all dependent on how many flare ups are in a given year, how long they last and finally how severe they are. In general people with mild eczema may need a few more sessions to complete a course. While people with a more active condition may need 4-5 more sessions. Because this condition affects people differently this really depends on the person.

If you have eczema a consultation and patch test is essential. It is so important to discuss your own individual set of circumstances. This will help us formulate a treatment plan to suit you. The skin in all treatment areas will need to be assessed first. This is just to confirm that the skin in the area is suitable for laser.

Urbana laser hair removal consultation


Our dedicated hair removal specialists only perform laser treatments so are fully aware of what to look out for in order to keep your skin safe. Our priority if you have eczema is to keep your skin safe.  We will never take risks with your skin and will get you the results you want while protecting your skin. Contact us today to book your free consultation. 

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